Phone: (630) 365-1990 Monday - Friday: 7:30am - 4:00pm

High Lime Mix

Our Flat & Pack Plus recipe with added lime for crops like geraniums, high pH required plants, and vegetables.

50-60% Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss, 25-35% 3/8” Southern Pine Bark Fines, Coarse Perlite, Medium Vermiculite, Starter Charge, Blue Chip, Lime (Dolomitic & Hi-Calcium), Triple Superphosphate, Wetting Agent

Ideal Uses:
Plug & Propagation, Cell Flats & 4”-6”, 8”-12” Container, Hanging Basket
Item # Unit Size Order Size Approx Volume
3619 2.8CF Bag 48 bags per pallet 5 CY
3620 60CF Tote 2 totes per pallet 4.4 CY
3621 BULK CY 65 CY Truckload 65 CY

Online ordering is currently available for delivery only. View minimum order requirements.
* Unit Price is based on your EVD level, if applicable.

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Contact Info

Phone: (630) 365-1990
Fax: (630) 365-3818

Street Address

48W805 IL Rt. 64
Maple Park, Illinois 60151

Current Hours:

Monday - Friday: 7:30am - 4:00pm


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